Film Days Reader

compiled by Jim Havener of the Green Toad Bookstore

  • The Green Toad Bookstore will have these titles for sale at the Fenimore Art Museum during Film Days, or Buy at the Green Toad Bookstore in Oneonta. Buy Local!

    The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man's Love Affair - Drew J. Lanham

    Southern Storm: Sherman's March to the Sea - Noah Andre Trudeau

    April in Spain - John Banville

    Catalan Food: Culture and Flavors from the Mediterranean: A Cookbook - Daniel Olivella and Caroline Wright

    A People's History of Catalonia - Michael Eaude

    Automats, Taxi Dances, and Vaudeville: Excavating Manhattan's Lost Places of Leisure - David Freeland

    Momofuku: A Cookbook - David Chang and Peter Meehan

    Washoku: Recipes From the Japanese Home Kitchen - Elizabeth Andoh

    Love Remembers: Holding on to Hope and Faith in the Face of Early-Onset Alzheimer's - Kate Ambrose Goodwin

    West Virginia: A History - John A. Williams

    The Buffalo Creek Disaster - Gerald M. Stern

    Super Volcanoes: What They Reveal About the Earth and the World Beyond - Robin George Andrews

    How the Mountains Grew: A New Geological History of North America - John Dvorak

    Finding the Mother Tree - Suzanne Sinaid

    Birds and Us: A 12,000 Year From Cave Cut to Conservation - Tim Birkhead

    Birds of the Photo Ark - Noah Strycker

    What It's Like to be a Bird - David Allen Sibley

    Bookstores: A Celebration of Independent Booksellers

    Do You Read Me?: Bookstores Around the World - Marianne Julia Strauss

    The Sentence - Louise Erdrich

    Seasons of Purgatory - Shahriar Mandanipour

    The Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie

    Farewell: A Memoir of a Texas Childhood - Horton Foote

    Indigenous Continent - Pekka Hamalainen

    Lakota America: The Epic Conquest for North America - Pekka Hamalainen

    Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe - David Maraniss

    A River Runs Through It - Norman MacLean

    The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons - John Wesley Powell

    This America of Ours: Bernard and Avis Devoto and the Forgotten Fight to Save the Wild - Nate Schweber

    Amazonia - Sebastian Salgado

    One River - Wade Davis

    Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes - Napoleon Chagnon

    To a Mountain in Tibet - Colin Thurbron

    Everest 1922: The Epic Story of the First Attempt on the World's Highest Mountain - Mick Conefrey

    My Shenandoah: The Story of Captain Robert S. Douglas and His Schooner - Douglas Cabral

    Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative of Life at Seas - Richard Henry Dana